Summer Post #1

 Derrall Garrison
2 min readJun 30, 2020

I will never finish the summer todo list.

As soon as my last day of teaching or my work happens I feel as if I’m enjoying one of my favorite times of year. It’s June, but the summer solstice hasn’t happened yet. The days are still increasing in length and the sun hasn’t reached it’s farthest climb up in the northern hemisphere and a position farthest from earth.

It’s always a couple weeks that I give myself to settle down and focus on what interests me and I never grow tired of experiencing this window of time. But I always try to make up for lost time after a long school year when I have to give to our teachers what they need. So this year was different and stressful and full of sometimes overwhelming experiences. And some of the things that are important to me don’t seem important to a large group of the people I work with.

At a certain point I was hoping that topics that teachers won’t let go like grades, unintegrated subjects, unauthentic learning and control would fall by the wayside. The hope was that an understanding that they’re not as important as other needs (SEL/recess being first).

Instead, I think that this summer is for some districts and educators about reclaiming some not so good habits that public education has fallen into.

Kids will need recess more than ever when returning to school post-coronavirus

http://Kids will need recess more than ever when returning to school post-coronavirus

My mom used to say that “my eyes are were bigger than my stomach,” and that’s how I feel about all that I hope to accomplish during my summer vacation. It started with some time with my daughters as all vacations should.

We started with a little bit of Makey Makey Bananas

When they are ready we’ll move to other possibilities.

Beyond Pianos



 Derrall Garrison

STEAM Coach, Teacher, Google Innovator, Raspberry Pi Educator, LEC Digital Educator, edcamp lover #makerspace #designthinking #minecraftedu #PBL #csforall #csk8